The ONE40 Blog

5 Inbound Marketing Techniques That’ll Maximize Your Business Profits in 2021
One40 Team

Maximize Your Business Profits in 2021

Ready to kick your business up a notch?

Eager to convert leads into loyal customers?

We thought so. And from where we’re standing, inbound marketing is the way to go.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a surefire technique for digital marketers and startups. The idea is to compel prospects to authentically engage with your brand.

Rather than broadcasting your services to the general public like outbound marketing does, inbound marketing leverages proven strategies that get people to come to you. Coined by HubSpot back in 2006, the concept features the following stages: 

  • Attract visitors with captivating content and strong SEO.
  • Convert visitors into leads.
  • Land sales, and transform those leads into customers.
  • Keep your audience engaged with a steady flow of powerful content.

Sounds pretty appealing, right? And there’s no reason not to prioritize your inbound marketing moving forward. The next section will outline five strategies you won’t want to miss.

5 Top Inbound Marketing Techniques

Now that we’ve gone over what inbound marketing is, it’s time to discuss putting the concept into practice.

Here are five inbound marketing techniques we recommend entrepreneurs use in 2021:

1. Take a storytelling approach.

While data and analysis are important, you should present your findings in an enticing way. From your sales page to your Instagram posts, personal stories and other anecdotes can cultivate a strong emotional connection with your audience.

A storytelling approach will also improve audience recall. Research from Stanford University shows that people are 63% more likely to remember stories than they are statistics.

2. Focus on your KPIs.

Are you writing about your key performance indicators (KPIs)? While your audience almost certainly cares about your KPIs as much as you do, few companies talk about their desired outcomes and how they go about achieving them.

So, why not set yourself apart by defining, and then writing about, your KPIs? If you aren’t exactly sure what your unique KPIs are, figure it out—and craft your content accordingly. Because this is a non-competitive yet effective way to boost your results.

3. Make your content visually-appealing.

We’re only human, and even the best of us respond to aesthetics. Whether you include images or video in your content, or simply break up your text in a legible way, focus on how appealing your inbound marketing is to the naked eye.

Here’s the deal: The more visual your content is, the more your readers will connect with what you’re saying. Charts, graphs, and even lists are all solid options to make your content, well, nicer to look at.

4. Commission guest posts.

It may sound counterintuitive to have outsiders write content for your business, but the opposite is often true. Guest blogging is a robust inbound marketing strategy that’ll give you more backlinks, more authority in your sector, and stronger relationships with thought leaders.

To get started, you’ll want to make sure to write consistently. Additionally, you’ll want to be mindful of whom you choose to craft those guest posts. Make sure the influencers you work with are relevant to your space.

5. Create your lead magnet.

We all like freebies. By developing your lead magnet, you can offer your web visitors vital resources in exchange for their email address. Typically, this will be a complimentary piece of content like an ebook, checklist, video, or report.

So, to really hone in on converting leads, flag your top-performing posts—and craft a lead magnet for each one. Who knows? The results may well astound you.

Boost Your Inbound Marketing Today

Looking to take your inbound marketing to the next level?

Curious about how to implement the techniques we discussed in this post?

Our team has you covered here at One40. Get started today, and contact us to book your complimentary consultation.  We look forward to hearing from you.

About One40

Personalization is important when it comes to all aspects of running a business. One40 is a business communication solutions company that offers transparent, cost-effective phone systems and VoIP Services that are tailorable to your team’s unique needs.

5 Inbound Marketing Techniques That’ll Maximize Your Business Profits in 2021

Maximize Your Business Profits in 2021

Ready to kick your business up a notch?

Eager to convert leads into loyal customers?

We thought so. And from where we’re standing, inbound marketing is the way to go.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a surefire technique for digital marketers and startups. The idea is to compel prospects to authentically engage with your brand.

Rather than broadcasting your services to the general public like outbound marketing does, inbound marketing leverages proven strategies that get people to come to you. Coined by HubSpot back in 2006, the concept features the following stages: 

  • Attract visitors with captivating content and strong SEO.
  • Convert visitors into leads.
  • Land sales, and transform those leads into customers.
  • Keep your audience engaged with a steady flow of powerful content.

Sounds pretty appealing, right? And there’s no reason not to prioritize your inbound marketing moving forward. The next section will outline five strategies you won’t want to miss.

5 Top Inbound Marketing Techniques

Now that we’ve gone over what inbound marketing is, it’s time to discuss putting the concept into practice.

Here are five inbound marketing techniques we recommend entrepreneurs use in 2021:

1. Take a storytelling approach.

While data and analysis are important, you should present your findings in an enticing way. From your sales page to your Instagram posts, personal stories and other anecdotes can cultivate a strong emotional connection with your audience.

A storytelling approach will also improve audience recall. Research from Stanford University shows that people are 63% more likely to remember stories than they are statistics.

2. Focus on your KPIs.

Are you writing about your key performance indicators (KPIs)? While your audience almost certainly cares about your KPIs as much as you do, few companies talk about their desired outcomes and how they go about achieving them.

So, why not set yourself apart by defining, and then writing about, your KPIs? If you aren’t exactly sure what your unique KPIs are, figure it out—and craft your content accordingly. Because this is a non-competitive yet effective way to boost your results.

3. Make your content visually-appealing.

We’re only human, and even the best of us respond to aesthetics. Whether you include images or video in your content, or simply break up your text in a legible way, focus on how appealing your inbound marketing is to the naked eye.

Here’s the deal: The more visual your content is, the more your readers will connect with what you’re saying. Charts, graphs, and even lists are all solid options to make your content, well, nicer to look at.

4. Commission guest posts.

It may sound counterintuitive to have outsiders write content for your business, but the opposite is often true. Guest blogging is a robust inbound marketing strategy that’ll give you more backlinks, more authority in your sector, and stronger relationships with thought leaders.

To get started, you’ll want to make sure to write consistently. Additionally, you’ll want to be mindful of whom you choose to craft those guest posts. Make sure the influencers you work with are relevant to your space.

5. Create your lead magnet.

We all like freebies. By developing your lead magnet, you can offer your web visitors vital resources in exchange for their email address. Typically, this will be a complimentary piece of content like an ebook, checklist, video, or report.

So, to really hone in on converting leads, flag your top-performing posts—and craft a lead magnet for each one. Who knows? The results may well astound you.

Boost Your Inbound Marketing Today

Looking to take your inbound marketing to the next level?

Curious about how to implement the techniques we discussed in this post?

Our team has you covered here at One40. Get started today, and contact us to book your complimentary consultation.  We look forward to hearing from you.

About One40

Personalization is important when it comes to all aspects of running a business. One40 is a business communication solutions company that offers transparent, cost-effective phone systems and VoIP Services that are tailorable to your team’s unique needs.
